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Main objects of Research Centre company

HomeMain objects of Research Centre company
  1.  To subscribe, donate, establish, provide, maintain, conduct, subsidize, undertake, carry on and promote studies, research centres, research laboratories, experimental workshop for scientific, technical and medical researches, tests and experiments of all kinds and scientific and technical investigations and inventions by proving, subsidizing, endowing or assisting laboratories, workshops, libraries, lectures and conferences and by providing, or contributing to the remuneration of scientific or technical professors or teachers and by providing or contributing to the awards, scholarships, prizes, grants to students or otherwise and generally to encourage, promote and reward studies, researches, investigations, experiments, tests and inventions of any kind that may by considered by the company likely to assist in business which the company is authorised to carry on or otherwise useful for the company.
  2. To acquire or set up and run schools, colleges, training and professional institutions and music and dance centre.