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Archive by Category "Registrations"

HomeArchive by Category "Registrations"
  • Digital signature certificate
  • Author
    Rajat Khaneja
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    (2) Comments
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 1,294 total views

 1,294 total views Introduction Digital Signature Certificates or DSC or Digital Signatures are being adopted by various government agencies and now is a statutory requirement in various applications. From filing statutory returns to authenticating documents, Digital Signature Certificates are required in almost all digital filings. In coming times, it will become mandatory in almost every digital […]

  • DOT License

 1,507 total views

 1,507 total views DOT LICENSE: Every person who wants to provide Application Services through telephone or over the internet to their clients is required to obtain a license from the Department of Telecommunication, Ministry of Telecommunication, India. Without obtaining the license, a person cannot legally carry out the business activities thorough tele-calling or over the internet. […]