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Agriculture and Plantation activity Company objects

HomeAgriculture and Plantation activity Company objects

1. To provide the necessary infrastructure to harvest and develop forest resources based, to promote forest resources based Industries, to arrange marketing of timber and other forest resources on the mainland and abroad.

2. To plant, grow, cultivate, produce, and raise plantations of various forest species of proven utility and other agricultural, plantation, horticultural crops, medicinal and aromatic plants and to buy, sell, export, import, process, distribute, or otherwise deal with all kinds of forest crops, natural products agricultural, plantation and horticultural crops, medicinal and aromatic plants.

3. To carry on the business of planters, cultivators, producers, sellers and dealers in timber, processed or not and such other products of every description and to manufacture, dispose of sell and deal in products of natural forest and forest plantations, agricultural, plantation and horticultural crops and medicinal and aromatic plants.

4. To establish, administer, own and run industries for manufacturing forest products, agricultural, plantation and horticultural products, medicinal and aromatic plants.

5. To conduct and contract for training and research connected with the integrated development of forest resources of the islands and cultivation as well as processing of agricultural, plantation and horticultural crops, medicinal and aromatic plants.

6. To maintain and improve Wild Life and other natural Resources.